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High school students working in a science lab


Academies are a school within a school, aligned to a career sector that supports one or more learning pathways. These academies offer students a more concentrated and immersive learning experience in their chosen area of interest. By providing a focused curriculum, real-world applications, and potential industry connections, academies aim to enhance student's educational experiences, better prepare them for future careers, and foster a deeper passion for their chosen endeavor.
More About Academies
student sitting on table with laptop in her lap


AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and seeks to identify college-eligible students in grades 7-12 to prepare them for four-year college entry.
More about AVID
Student working on a car wheel in an auto shop


Career and Technical Education is about doing, creating and innovating. Students in our programs take what they learn and apply it to something tangible, like building robots or extracting DNA. Every program is hands-on, and every program gives students the foundational skills to move forward in a career and Technical Education
More about CTE
Eight students posing for a selfie

Community of Culture & Learning

Add a snippet descThere are over 25 different and fun clubs to join and become involved during the Skyline experience. Each club has opportunities and activities to allow students opportunities in whatever may interest them. These activities offer opportunities for students to learn the values of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, physical strength and endurance, competition, diversity, and a sense of culture and community.ribing your information here...
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students playing volleyball at sunset


Extracurricular activities include sports, clubs, music, drama and much more. They provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education.
More About Extracurricular Activities


Ryan Myers

Ryan Myers, World Languages

Paloma Zogut

Paloma Zogut, Social Studies

Greg Cole

Greg Cole, ESS